Thursday, March 5, 2020

Adding Negative Numbers

Adding Negative Numbers Negative numbers are the numbers which are less than zero and which can be represented on a number line. On a number line negative number are represented left to 0 like -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6 etc. Negative numbers can be extended endlessly on a number line left to 0, it follows that we can represent each and every negative number by some point on this line. For instance, starting from 0 and moving to its left, a point after 750 units, represent the integer -750. Thus each and every integer can be represented by some point on this number line. Examples of negative numbers: - -1, -5, -3.8, -8/9, -0.5 Comparing the negative numbers: - Example: - Which number is less than -5. a) -1 b) -2 c) 0 d) 10 e) -10 Solution: - On a number line, every number left to a particular number will be less than that of a number like , -10, -9, -8, -7, -6 are less than -5 because all these numbers are left to -5 whereas all the numbers right to -5 will be more than -5. -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 are more than -5. Clearly we can observe that -1, -2, 0, 10 are right to -5. So -10 is less than -5 because -10 lie to the left of -5 on a number line. Examples of Adding negative numbers: - Add the following: - a) (-1) + (-5) + (-2) b) (-3) + (-4) Solution: - a) (-1) + (-5) + (-2)= -1-5-2 =-7 b) (-3) +(-4)= -3-4 -7

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